The Other Shore [Free Verse]

Standing on the bank, 
Looking at the other shore --

A hundred meters or a mile?
Does it matter,
In such a fast flow?

If I were to swim for it,
Launching myself into
Those cold, choppy waves,
Which would I reach first:
The other shore, or
The Falls, downstream?

One River [Free Verse]

From the water's edge,
I see the spastic, choppy
topography of a river
that looked glassy
from the bridge that
spans it.

Is this one river?

Am I one traveler?

A Feather in Flow [Free Verse]

How do I roll like a
feather in flow?

The one that can't be
pulled from the pool.
It slips around the
lifted hand,
Retreating back into
the water that it never
really left.

It's like sleight of hand
one plays upon oneself:
at once magician & mark.

The faster one snatches at it,
the greater the miss.
The slower one moves,
the more frustratingly
one sees one's failure.

How to roll like a feather in flow?

Yielding to the Flow [Free Verse]

A slender leaf
floats downstream.

Its tip touches
a stouter leaf,
sending the
slender leaf

The leaf continues to
twist as it drifts,

Making it seem spastic,
but it neither rushes
nor dawdles.

It matches the flow,
letting gravity &
currents do all the work.

It races only when it
plunges through
a narrow channel,

But it downshifts just as
effortlessly as the
stream widens.

The leaf's action is
unforced, yielding to
energy imparted upon it.


What is your favorite drink?

If amount consumed is any indication, that would have to be water – with coffee as a second runner up. And the rest of the pack is a muddled mess in which no one stands out, judging from the fact that the aforementioned are the only beverages that I drink on a daily basis. (Gin or beer are at most once a week beverages and average less than that, if this was meant to imply alcoholic drinks.)

Certainly, water is the only one that I: a.) can’t do without, and b.) could live a comfortable and healthy life drinking exclusively.