About Bernie Gourley

Sand-boarding in the Arabian Desert

Sand-boarding in the Arabian Desert

This blog,  like my life, is an eclectic goulash of randomness. I will share information about life in India, about my studies of body and mind improvement, about books I’ve read recently, poems and other short works, and — occasionally– a rant for my own amusement and mental health.

I’m an American living Bangalore, India. I write, read, practice yoga, teach yoga, practice martial arts, exercise, travel, take pictures, meditate, but not necessarily in that order. I’m an introvert, and it’s only been in recent years that I’ve learned to stop bemoaning that fact and begun to learn to play to my strengths.

I’m also a bit of a nerd and an oddball of a yoga practitioner. I’m fascinated by the science of the mind and body. In the old school terms, I’m a jnana yogi. I study. First, foremost, and most importantly, that study is directed inward to what goes on in my brain and body. Beyond that I rely heavily on science because I’m no good at taking things on faith, and I see the many of the limits of sensory perception, memory, as well as internal biases that can lead people astray.

A desk life and workday stressors once made me doughy and left me with an accumulation of minor health problems. As a result, since I’ve been in India, I’ve begun an intense practice of yoga, begun teaching yoga, learned the basics of Thai yoga bodywork (TYB), and on occasion continue to practice martial arts. It’s my goal to learn as much as I can about producing a healthy mind & body while combating unhealthy approaches to stress. Having been trained as a social scientist, I was moved by the statement of a yogi who criticized scholars who attempt the grandiose task of understanding society as a whole when they understood so little of themselves. I realized that I was among those who knew far too little about myself at a physical and mental level to construct solutions to society’s problems.

I have my 500 hour yoga teacher certification (RYT500) and Children’s Yoga Teacher certification (RCYT) from the Yoga Alliance through a1000 Yoga  and Amrutha Bindu in Bangalore, and I am continuing to pursue yogic studies. I’ve  learned a little Thai Yoga Bodywork (a.k.a. Thai Massage or Nuad Bo Rarn) through the Inner Mountain School of Healing Arts and the Wat Pho Thai Traditional Massage School. My personal education as of late has centered on what modern science can teach us about these ancient systems, and how the benefits of such systems are explained in terms of modern science. I’m also studying how yoga and TYB can be used to help prevent some of the systematic injuries that plague martial artists from Western countries.

My formal educational background is in the social sciences. I have two Master of Science degrees, one in International Affairs and the other in Economics. The former is from Georgia Tech and the latter is from Georgia State University. My studies were focused at the intersection of the strategic (e.g. game theory) and the international.

From 2004 to 2012, I worked at Georgia Tech’s Center for International Strategy, Technology, and Policy on various grant programs dealing with issues at the nexus of science, technology, and international security. My primary responsibilities involved the Sam Nunn Security Program (SNSP) that educated engineers and scientists about the policy world so as to prepare them to lend advice on technical issues. I also worked on the Program on Strategic Stability Evaluation (POSSE), which considered the question of whether strategic stability can be maintained under a draw down of nuclear weapons, and–if so–how.

I practiced a traditional Japanese martial art for over 25 years. In the process, I earned third degree black belts in the Bujinkan and  Jinenkan organizations, and a first-degree black belt in the Gi Yu Dojo. I’ve learned the basics of Muay Thai  (Thai-boxing) from the Muay Thai Institute and Tiger MT.  I also practiced the Indian martial art of Kalaripayattu at the Kalari Academy of Performing Arts in Bangalore for about three years.

I’m a traveler, and have visited 40-some countries on 5 continents. I’ve been to Machu Picchu, Angkor Wat, Chichen Itza, Tikal, the Great Wall of China, Stonehenge, Victoria Falls, the Taj Mahal, Hampi, the caves at Ajanta and Ellora, and many other sites.

Feel free to drop me a line at: berniegourley@gmail.com

173 thoughts on “About Bernie Gourley

  1. I am still trying to imagine a writer with a degree in International affairs and Economics… But then it takes all kinds. 🙂

    I am enjoying your blog, and if it is anything to go about I am sure I would enjoy your books.

    (please note I am trying to be as nice as possible due to my fear of your black belts)

    Liked by 4 people

      • You did the wrong social science! I hooked up with Anthropology and found my soul mate. Learned how to observe people both through the filter of me and trying to do so without the filter. This did nothing but help my writing. Feel free to check out the bio on my page — we may be kindred spirits. I have long COVID and so am doing somatic yoga with Bill Price (talk about a character).I wrote an article about him

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Just wanted to give you a heads up that I nominated you for The Very Inspiring Blogger Award. You can find the rules for accepting the award

    Very Inspiring Blogger Award

    I’ll also take this opportunity to apologize for the effort you will have to expend in accepting the award if you choose to do so. It takes a while, but is worth it to the blog community (that’s what they’ve told me, anyway). Regardless, thanks for making the blogworld more inspiring in your own way. Congrats, and thanks!


    Liked by 2 people

    • Yeah I try do a quick read through of everything I like (so I don’t end up volunteering to move furniture or pick anybody up from the airport. i.e. “Press like if you agree to…”)


  3. Thanks for dropping by and liking the thoughts inspired by the Fraser Spiral. I have many friends that are doing work missions work in India. And like many have shared, best of look on turning those books into some income! I am on a similar quest, though just embarking …

    Liked by 1 person

  4. After reading about you, I felt compelled to respond, because I share a similar goal: Self improvement. Also, I always make an effort toward mental clarity and good health. More importantly, it’s refreshing to come across someone who share the same goals when you learn about them.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi thanks for stopping by my blog and the precious “Like” you left on one of my post.
    I am software engineer, music keyboard learner + teacher and am also living in bangalore . . . Hoping we could have a chance to meet 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. My son and I are both tigers in the Chinese zodiac. 🙂 Always been fascinated with them, as well as the deeper spiritual meaning behind them as well.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Bernie, I enjoy your daily photos. If you can lay hands on it sometime, take a look at photographer Michael Freeman’s first edition (1997, Focal Press) of, “The Photographer’s Eye.” Many of his composition examples were captured in that part of the world. Very inspiring. Don’t worry about the technicality of it all. You might find that getting closer within those scenes takes you into a rich realm of detail. Namaste. Grace

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi Bernie, thanks for liking my blog. Another expat! Cool. I’ve spent most of my adult life in India and Sri Lanka. Someone recently said, ‘Sitting is the new cancer.’ As a professional writer and now, teacher of Buddhist thought, I also spend way too much time flying a desk. Keep up the effort to stay in shape, it’s worthwhile!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Bernie, thanks for sharing! I would love to hear about your travels to Ankor Wat and any tips for things to do, things to avoid, etc. I too study martial arts. Kenpo Karate that was derived from Nick Cerio’s style as well as Universal Kempo. The first has more Japanese influence, the second more Chinese although they both share common roots in Hawaii. I’m an IT guy, so I understand the sitting at a desk and getting “doughy” as you put it. It is good to have something to help keep the dough from rising too much 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • As for Angkor, a couple days will do you unless you are a hardcore amateur archaeologist. If you have more time there are more outlying sites, but we didn’t visit them. Siem Reap is a cool little town. We took the bus from Phnom Penh and that worked well. I think the same could be said for coming from Thailand. I’ve heard bad things about taking the boat during high season (i.e. they overbook and there’s not enough seats for all the people. Its a little far for roof riding.) Kenpo sounds interesting, though I don’t know much about it.

      All the best.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. I just wanted to take a second to say thank you for the daily photo’s. It is quite a gift to share with others who can’t be where you are. I love them and they make me smile. keep up all the great work and I wish you the best with any and everything 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Yoda sounds ridiculously familiar. For our familiar someone so desperate for relevance, and with infinite combinations of language at his disposal, one might expect more creative plagiarism.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I like the current title of your novel, but although I can see where The Emperor’s Ninja might tilt too heavily toward one side of a two-sided story, I’m drawn even more to it as a title.

    Sadly, once a novel lands a publisher, the title’s basically smoke. It’s likely to change 14 times before publication. Which is more of less what happened to my most recent novel. We went through I can’t remember how many possibilities before the publisher finally changed it back to what it had been when I sent it to them. Go figure.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Great observations in your children’s yoga post. Pediatric physical therapists educated me early in my clinical career on this point: kids with balance & coordination difficulties will often use speed to compensate for instability.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Dear Bernie! I really enjoyed reading your blog and see how you changed your career from social sciences to writer and teacher.
    I am having a similar problem that you experienced years ago. My background is Chemistry. I have a PhD in computationa chemistry and I have been doing research for a few years. Only after completed my PhD I realised that I actually don’t want to this all my life. Then five years ago I started doing Yoga and Martial Arts and now I am also doing Acroyoga and Acrobalance and all I want to do is dedicate my life to this. Maybe move somewhere else like you did. The problem obviously is that we need some money to “survive”. So this is my dilema at the moment!
    It would be great to read an article from you describing how you did this. 🙂
    Many thanks!
    Best wishes,

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Hi! Thank you for stoping by and introducing me to your blog. Can’t wait to read more.
    If you feel like sharing an inspiring story of your life at eight for a change, let me know. It would be awesome!

    Have a great day!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. JMJ
    Dear Bernie,
    Thank you so much for reading about the Servants of Charity. We do have Houses in Bangalore and would love for you to stop by and see what we do there. There is always the need for more volunteers if you could spare any time. Continue the good work.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Ah well… the nice thing about people liking my posts is that it prompts me to read theirs. I also am a yoga practitioner. It’s my life. Thanks for your blog, I’ve enjoyed the bits I’ve read so far & will enjoy reading more. Tony

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and liking my book review. You are living a rather incredible life, dear sir. I envy your education and travels and general life perspective. Looking forward to reading more about your adventures. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Hi Bernie. That’s quite and impressive curriculum vitae. I’ve had a good wander around your blog. I’m normally not one for poetry, but your Halloween poem is a cracker! That’s what drew me in…follow.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Before giving you the warnings that may be a little anxiety-inducing, I should point out that you’ll likely have a great time and have no dangerous experiences. The vast majority of Indians are kind, friendly, polite, and often helpful to a fault. Mumbai is highly cosmopolitan and so you’ll likely feel more comfortable there, but–be careful–because that doesn’t mean you’re safer. In Aurangabad you’ll get stared at and approached for photos like you’re a celebrity–not necessarily because you are a woman by yourself, but just because you are foreign and they don’t see as many and they really like to meet foreigners–that doubly goes for if you’re going out to the caves.

      That said, I’m sure you’re aware of the isolated horror stories. The big precautions that spring to mind are:

      1.) Always pick your own transport (autorickshaws / tuk-tuks or taxis.) Drivers that approach you generally have something in mind, at best this is that they can exorbitantly overcharge you as a foreigner or divert you to “uncle’s shop” but the worst case is much worse. 99% of drivers are just working people trying to make a living, but the 1% will make themselves disproportionately known to you.

      2.) It’s generally a good idea to dress more modestly than one would in most of Asia (or warm weather places in Europe and America.) I realize that it’s ridiculous that you should have to curtail your dress in a climate that is frequently hot, but while India may be geographically as close to Thailand as it is to Saudi Arabia, in many ways culturally it’s closer to the latter. Except among the more modern-minded middle and upper classes, young men and women are often kept segregated such that many young men are both super-horny and have not a clue as to how to politely interact with the opposite sex. Too often they get their ideas from bodice-ripping Bollywood. Probably, wearing shorts will just get you stared at more that usual (by virtue of being a foreigner [unless you look passably Indian] you’ll get starred at some, regardless.)

      3.) If you drink, you’ll need to exercise greater caution–especially being alone. A lot of those horror stories involve inebriated women being taken advantage of or roofied.

      Otherwise, the general self-defense rules apply: 1.) don’t let anyone order you to go anywhere. 2.) don’t let anyone take away your mobility.

      The reason I emphasize not getting in the wrong transport and being careful when drinking is that–unlike examples in the US in which a person screaming has completely ignored–in India if there are people around, and you call for help, there will likely be a tidal wave of help on its way. The attitude is much less “not my monkeys, not my circus” than in the West and more of community spirit. Therefore, the key is just to not get into situations where help isn’t near at hand.

      I hope I haven’t scared you. I used to be a cop and have taught a bit of self-defense in my time, and so I have a lot to say on the issue.

      Liked by 1 person

      • No, you haven’t scared me. I’m so happy to get the advice! And so happy to hear that people will be helpful and not just ignore me if I need them. I’ve traveled in Russia and it was a similar situation. You didn’t want to be stupid, but people would lend a hand quickly if needed. I was wondering about that. I don’t drink, so that won’t be a problem and I’ve heard to only drink bottled water, so I’ll be able to watch what’s going on with my water. I don’t think it’s ridiculous at all to conform the their cultural norms. When in Rome… Also, I would like to diminish as much as possible my tourist status. This, I realize probably won’t be possible because I am very fair skinned. I was thinking that I would wear the kurti tunics and some blousy pants with sandals, and keep a scarf handy to throw over my head. I thought that Aurangabad would be more touristy and would be used to more fair skinned tourists, so it’s good to know that won’t necessarily be the case. I was going to study up on some Marathi basics. Thanks again!

        Liked by 1 person

      • So there are a fair amount of tourists who go to Aurangabad as part of travel that takes them to the caves at Ellora and Ajanta. However, a good portion of the volume travel on tour buses or in private vehicles and have a fairly sheltered experience, and so the average local still doesn’t see a lot of foreigners. I tend to use public transport and like to walk a lot, so I bump into more locals than average. Also, since the caves are a little bit far to get to relative to other tourist sights, they aren’t as heavily tread by foreigners as one might think. Well, instead I should say that a huge percentage of the tourists are from China and other countries with large Buddhist populations. I don’t think they attract as much attention because near the border their are a lot of Indians with Asian features (more Tibetan than Han, but some of both) so they don’t seem as foreign. Fair hair definitely attracts attention and interest (I just mean interest in the sense of people wanting to interact with you.) If you’ve traveled in China, you may have had a similar experience, particularly outside the big city.

        Mumbai has people of every imaginable skin and hair color and so no one tends to bat an eye at it.

        Yes, bottled water is a must. If you are in a nice restaurant the water is likely filtered, but it’s best to stay on the safe side, particularly if you haven’t done much developing world travel.

        Ethnic wear (as it’s called here, i.e. what locals tend to wear) is always safe. A scarf is a good idea because if you come across mosques or gurdwara (Sikh temple) you’ll need head covering. Leg covering is pretty much a must at any temple. Sandals are good because you’ll need to be able to kick them off and leave them at racks to go inside the temples.

        Some Marathi is good. Most people who have an education speak English, but less so in Maharastra than where I live. (In Bangalore, English is the lingua franca because there are so many people from outside the state of Karnataka here.0 You shouldn’t worry that you won’t be able to get along with English, but people always love if you can at least greet them in the local tongue.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I’m going for a friends wedding, but after that I’m on my own for several days, and the caves, so far, I think will be the main focus of my visit. So wonderful tips, especially about the sandals. Thank you!


      • OK, I’m going to take back what I said. After reading the news, I’m a little freaked out. Lots of guns, lots of crazy over the top violence against women. So my usual tips for myself are: Never go out at night alone. Never encourage people who are trying to talk to you and if they continue get really loud and rude fast. I’m adding, no nightclubs period. No buses and no trains. I’m thinking that a guided tour set up by the hotel should be fine. And I’m guessing that there is no way I’ll be able to blend in. I saw that you are married. What does your wife do when people start hassling her? I’m thinking that my standard get loud and angry quick, might not be the best response because people have guns and throw acid at women. And I’m aware that in tourist areas I’m at more of a risk because that would be the place to target people who are out of their element and holding onto some dollars, etc. I’m thinking my best bet is safety in numbers, like a tour group or guide from the hotel. Do you agree? And I would be interested in any tips from your wife. Thank you!!


      • Careful with the news, obviously they only report the most attention grabbing events and this is a country of over a billion so even the rarest of events may seem to pop up frequently. Guns are actually a great rarity here except among the military and paramilitary forces. Even the run-of-the-mill cops, e.g. traffic cops, don’t carry them. In Kashmir, the most violence prone area by far, you’ll note that the big threat is rock throwing.

        Now, as for the violence against women, the news is not as positive. However, the vast majority of that violence is carried out against low-income / low-caste women (the caste system is illegal in theory but alive and well in people’s minds.) That doesn’t make it any less reprehensible, but it does mean you’re in a rare demographic for it. The girl in Delhi who was lured onto a fake bus (the bus was real, but it wasn’t really public transport) got so much global attention because she was a college kid, middle class, and that doesn’t happen much.

        I would staying away from nightclubs is an excellent idea–particularly as you are traveling alone.

        However, most of the people who will come up to you to talk will be perfectly respectable and polite individuals. Many want to practice their English. Some want to learn more about the world. Many will be parents trying to get their kids to talk to you. I would say that as long as you are comfortable with the nature of the conversation and you are in an area with people around, you don’t need to react too harshly. However, if you feel uncomfortable with where the talk is going, and particularly if they are trying to get you to go elsewhere, then your suggestion is a good one.

        Travel in a group is a good idea.

        My wife gets hit on more here in India than anywhere else in the world. Not unexpectedly, never in my presence, but usually when she’s shopping. This has never amounted to more than a brief annoyance. Again, as long as there are people around, guys are unlikely to get too carried away because it’s a very traditional society so they don’t want to make a scene. You’d be surprised how terrified young Indians are of their parents, even once one would think they were too old to care. (They tend to emancipate late and the parents are so integral to getting married–arranged marriages are still the norm.) So threatening to tell the guys mom about his ungentlemanly behavior may be all you need. Just kidding about threatening to tell the guy’s mommy… unless it works.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hahaha! That’s awesome. Well, I will definitely learn that phrase in Marathi! “I’m going to tell your mother!” I love it. I think that may be a very good tip. Hopefully, I won’t have to try it. I was also reading up about how women dress to indicate that they are married, and along with dressing appropriately, I think I’m going to also incorporate those. I have to research it a bit more, but it includes a certain type of necklace and the pigment on the hairline, I think the ring is on the left hand, and there are a couple of other things. Sort of like in the West, if a guy knows you are married, he won’t start thinking that way. It’s a good filter.

        As far as the new goes, yes, that makes sense. I had heard about Delhi, but what had concerned me was the local Aurangabad news. I love meeting real people when I travel and most people I think are really good, but this thing with women is very troubling. Though, like you said I seem to be out of the demographic for most of these crimes. Still it seems monstrous that men act like that, and it definitely doesn’t fit with the super polite image I’ve had of Indians so far. But I guess when you’re dealing with human beings, we have that running through us.

        Well, thank you so much for taking the time to tell me all that you have. I really appreciate it.

        I have only read a few posts on your blog, but I hope you are working on a book! You definitely have one in you. 🙂

        Thanks again!

        Liked by 1 person

  20. I’m in the doughy office phase of my life right now. However I began meditating regularly 45 days ago and the effects are permeating my life which will lead to a more authentic existence. I enjoyed reading about you and look forward to more posts.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Thank you for visiting my blog ‘The Legend of the Eight Samurai Hounds’.

    Many things you talk of here – from living in Bangalore to Japanese martial arts – sound like what I am considering/may consider/might have considered doing – that’s a lot of consideration haha!! Have you ever thought about joining Shorinji?

    Although I don’t regret what I have chosen to do instead, at least I really mean to visit India in future, and reading this made me more positive about starting Iaido – one of the ‘am considering’s.

    Thanks again!

    Liked by 1 person

  22. You live in Bangalore. It’s like a second home for me. My wife’s family retired to Bangalore in the ’70s. We visit the city often. It is a pity to see how many physical aspects of historical heritage in Bangalore are being demolished. We travel around India when we can. I am just putting the finishing touches on a book about Gujarat. All the best!

    Liked by 2 people

  23. Hi Bernie, thanks for introducing me to an the !nverted Yogi ! That’s a very interesting pic of the inverted yogi. Your’s is an equally interesting profile too with all the myriad things you’ve been doing. Definitely inspiring. And great to know you too live in Bangalore. I hope to visit your blog soon again.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Pingback: Finding Inspiration | commonsensiblyspeaking

  25. Thank you for the like on my story about Montreal musician Nahji. I read your bio and I was blown away by your…randomness, yet similarity to my own random life story. I was military for the better part of my adult life, now I’m a music journalist, nature writer, fiction writer, and a scholar, and an introvert on top of all of that. It’s nice to know I’m not alone in my…randomness! 🙂 I can’t wait to read more of your posts.

    Liked by 2 people

  26. Tere, Bernie. A sincere thanks to you for reading, liking and following my blog. This was my very first post published, so an extra thank you for encouragement as I am trying to transform some of my work and thoughts into words. Thought I was rather good with words, but it is not all that easy. There seem to be too many words.
    I red your blog with great interest and must admire the way you have chosen. I know how it is to change country, and social setting altogether in search of a more true life, Your way to put things in poetry means less words, more meaning, and may serve as one guideline when learning to write this blog.
    Currently, I live in Finland, where most people are introverts and have an arctic sense of humor. As they have a symbolic or spiritual home in the nature, as do the Estonians also, people are quite conscious about environmental problems. The Finns give very little feedback, but in their silence there is space to grow and for me to develop as an artist.
    Keep up your great work in India! Hope we get to keep in touch now and then. Yours, Kristjan

    Liked by 2 people

  27. Thank you for liking some of my posts. It strikes me that we have been exploring life through similar lenses (mind-body work, the vast topic of yoga etc.) and it just amazes me how colourful if different our paths seem to have been. Your blog is refreshing, but man I have a lot to catch up with! A goulash lover at heart.

    Liked by 2 people

  28. You have an interesting profile. I lived for 10 years in San Francisco before moving to bangalore for good. I want to ask you, how do you like Bangalore? Hope it’s treating you well 😊

    Liked by 2 people

  29. Interesting story. I’m jealous–stuck here in Covid–dreaming of traveling. I am going to check out “The Hallow Places”. I used to like Ray Bradbury and Shirley Jackson as a preteen. So looking for for something outerworldly.

    Liked by 2 people

  30. Thank you for visiting my blog and reading my yoga posts. Like you, I write about travel (in the Before Time when I could) and life in general, with a dabbling in poetry: https://accidental-goddess.com/haiku/. Your blog is lush with content on many topics; it will take time to explore. Your background in technology and international security jumped out at me, ever more pertinent in light of our current events. Namaste, kind soul.

    Liked by 2 people

  31. Thank you for following my blog and thanks, too, for what is a really fascinating and eclectic mix of thoughts and insights into different related practices. I do hope we can connect and keep in touch. You are doing the work of a yogi, and that’s a rare thing indeed! May love do what needs to be done through you and thank you for doing what you do. Namaskar, Lucy

    Liked by 2 people

    • Not yet. And it seems unlikely to be the first place to open up post-pandemic (if that’s a real thing,) or at least I’ve heard they’ve been maintaining some fairly strict international travel restrictions.


      • Yes, we are fortunate in being an island country. The ability to form a tight ‘fortress’ around us. With few exceptions no flights allowed in. This is how Covid enters Australia. Also no flights out. So you gonna have to hang out a while it seems. Will we ever stamp this ‘out’? Vaccination seems to be the only pathway. Govt here saying lockdowns/restrictions won’t be removed until 70% population vaccinated. Hurry on up…..

        Liked by 2 people

      • Yeah, it’s kind of a race in that there seems to be expert agreement that given enough opportunity, the virus could in theory stumble into an antibody resistant variant (i.e. both the vaccines and adaptive immunity from having had the disease would be ineffective/ less effective, and we’d start from square one but with a virus from the delta variant family, spreading much faster.) So, here’s hoping that doesn’t come to fruition.


  32. I’m in sheer bliss to get to know a traveler. By the way, I’d like to express my million thanks to you for stopping by on my blog and for liking my recent post. Stay safe there. I wish you best.

    Liked by 2 people

  33. Dear Bernie Gourley,

    Hello! This is my second attempt at submitting this comment, as I am unsure as to whether my previous comment has gone through.

    I have had the pleasure of visiting all of your pages and some of your recent posts. It seems that you have lived a very full life, and have had many achievements.

    Like you, I also have formal education in the social sciences, though I have also been interested in other disciplines, and managed to acquire other tertiary degrees.

    Wishing you a productive weekend doing or enjoying whatever that satisfies you the most! Take care and prosper!

    Yours sincerely,

    Liked by 1 person

  34. Thank you for taking the tme to like my picture of the elephant mother & baby. I appreciate that. As a lifelong lover of life in S.E. Asia, I think I know where you’re coming from – and going to – and wish you well.

    Liked by 1 person

  35. Thank you for sharing your diverse and fascinating background with us. It sounds like you have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share through your blog. Your focus on self-improvement and understanding the mind and body through modern science is inspiring, and I’m are sure that your unique perspective will be a valuable addition to your blog. I look forward to reading more of your posts and learning from your insights and experiences.

    Liked by 2 people

  36. What a lovely blog you have created and I am impressed with your writing style. I am also a regular reader and still enjoying reading. Would you mind writing a blog post for LEKH? My blog has international traffic and writers who contribute to my publication. By doing a guest post drive traffic to your blog blogs. I hope it would be beneficial for both of us. Read our submission guidelines

    Let me know what do you think for this offer. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.


  37. What a fascinating life you’ve lived! May your inquisitive spirit and willing body carry you fruitfully to the finish line, ever learning, as you obviously desire to do.

    Liked by 1 person

  38. Your site and blog are intriguing! Thanks for liking my yoga post on Two Minutes Du Jour – the site is very early in the creation stage, so it’s encouraging to have some early “likes.” More to come. Mahalo!

    Liked by 1 person

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